Hedge Apple Man
Hedge Apple Man
Hedge Apple Man
Copright April 26, 2015 HedgeAppleMan.com. All rights reserved
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Hedgeappleman.com about us page, Hedge apples and cancer cures, osage orange and cancer cures, alkaline, alkaline body, radiation surgery, chemo, bacteria, fungus, fungi, virus, viruses, cancer, cancer cells, immune system, boosting immune system, gas stoves, microwave oven, aluminum cookware, deep frying, charcoal grilling, raw and cooked vegetables, alkaline-acid food table, garlic, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, reduce blood clotting, antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral, sweeteners, artificial sweeteners, alkaline water choices, msg, monosodium glutamate, spider control
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    About four years ago I started studying herbs for survival food and medicinal uses. While looking into the uses for the hedge apple - osage orange, I came across Judy Mullins' website which now apparently has been taken down. You can communicate with her at her Facebook Page. Judy had many reports from people saying they had success using hedge apple to cure cancer. After reading the reports I decided to start consuming hedge apple as a preventive. I've been consuming the herb for four years now. Judy also states on her website that she has consumed hedge apples for several years, and that a while after she started eating the hedge apple, she noticed that spots and blemishes on her face started clearing up.

    The incidences of cancer in our population by most accounts are increasing. One of my doctors believes the insecticide Round Up has something to do with it. He also mentioned that seed corn in many cases has the weed killer built into it. I'm not sure about it, but I will say that my mother, a sister and a brother, have died of cancer. Many in wife's family have died of cancer.

    I plan to gather hedge apples and make them available to as many as possible who have cancer. I offer them free to all who will pick them up. It would be a good thing if people across our country would would do the same.

Disclaimer: I am not a physician, nor am I trained in homeopathy. My enthusiasm and advocacy for taking the hedge apple-osage orange for cancer is based solely on the reports submitted to Judy Mullins whose website has since been taken down. She now can be contacted on Facebook. In addition, my faith in using the hedge apple - osage orange for cancer cure, and as a preventive, is further bolstered by the information posted on RacehorseHerbal.Net by Doug Ahart. 

 Ben Pellom